One Of A Kind FREE 2-Day Online Event Where You'll Get...

The 5-Step Profit Blueprint 
To Attract And Close High-Profit Clients Online

(In Just 48 Hours You'll Have The Exact Steps To Install The Ultimate Sales System In Your MSP)


December 13-14th 


10 a.m. CT - 3 p.m. CT


December 13-14th 


10 a.m. CT - 3 p.m. CT

Is This 2-Day 5-Step Profit Blueprint Event

Right For Me And My MSP Business?

This 2-day sales “masterclass” is especially for you if…

  You constantly struggle to get new clients to see the value you deliver and NOT argue with you over your fees and terms.
 You want to get more clients but DO NOT want to use slimy, high-pressure sales tactics to try and convince people to buy from you.
 You want a process for meeting with new prospective clients that positions you as a TRUSTED ADVISOR vs. “just the guy who makes the computers work.”
 You want to know the process for hiring and managing salespeople so you don’t have the entire burden of selling, quoting and closing to be entirely on your shoulders.
So many MSPs put ALL their effort into service delivery and becoming technically savvy, but spend very little time on thinking about how they approach the single most important STARTING point of every client relationship: the SALES process.

During this event you’ll get an easy, straightforward approach to the IT services sales process, as well as a step-by-step blueprint on how to build your sales team.

Ready To Finally Have A Process For Quoting And Closing New Prospects That Is Easy AND Effective?

What You Can Expect From This 2-Day MSP And IT Services Online Event

Before Attending:

 Constant fee resistance, sales stalls and delays.
 No marketing process to bring in qualified leads.
 Confusion about the best way to do an IT or risk assessment.
 100% of the sales falls on your shoulders to do.

After Attending:

 NO MORE confusion about how to best present your recommendations so they are valued and respected.
 NO MORE cowering from unreasonable demands or ridiculous price resistance from prospects (and clients!).
 NO MORE frustration in getting prospects to see the value in what you do.
 NO MORE prospects taking advantage of you, playing you for the fool, disrespecting you or devaluing you.

When you sign up and attend this 2-day Online Event, you’ll hear from: 

Robin Robins, CEO Of TMT And Big Red Media

Building A Productive Sales Function In Your MSP Business

The 5-Step Process To Closing An MSP Sale At Maximum Margins 
There aren’t 100 different “best” ways to close an MSP sale. There’s one – and during this workshop we’ll break down what that is into 5 logical, easy-to-understand “chunks” that you and your sales team can execute on to successfully outsell any competitor.

• Where To Start When Building Your Sales Process And Team 
We’ll cover who to hire and when to hire salespeople to start building your sales team so hunting for new clients and closing sales doesn’t fall entirely on your shoulders. We’ll also provide a checklist of what you need to have in place FIRST before you hire a salesperson.

How To Position Yourself As A TRUSTED ADVISOR So Selling Becomes Effortless 
You’ll get specific strategies, pre sales steps and marketing tools to MANUFACTURE TRUST so you are never seen as “just another” salesperson, and closing a sale becomes easier and much more enjoyable for you and the prospect.

Proven Methods To Get Past The Gatekeeper And Get INVITED In 
If you can’t get to the decision-maker to present your ideas you can’t generate new sales. During this workshop we’ll give you the BEST way to get more appointments with high-quality, motivated prospects who will fill your calendar with opportunities.

Sitima Fowler, Founder And Partner Of Iconic IT

Quoting And Proposal Disasters That Eat Profits And Leave Prospects (And Clients!) Upset

• Common mistakes in the quoting process that 90% of all small MSPs make that cost them millions of dollars in lost MRR, profits and client relationships.

• How to conduct your initial discovery meeting and diagnostics to ensure you have complete and accurate information for your proposal to avoid the need to have embarrassing, trust-destroying conversations with clients AFTER you’ve misquoted them.

• How to deliver your proposal in a way that commands respect and demonstrates the value of what you are proposing to avoid fee resistance, sales stalls, delays and other objections.

• How to get a prospect to reveal their true buying motives and criteria for choosing their next MSP so you can position yourself as the obvious choice regardless of price.

Adam Spencer, CEO Of 911 IT

How To Build A List Of High-Probability Prospects Fast

• The list-building marketing system Adam used that enabled him to add 37 NEW managed clients and $78,301 in MRR in just 12 months WITHOUT a big sales team.

• A simple but effective step-by-step process to building a list of “right fit” qualified prospects that you can get an admin or entry-level salesperson to do for cheap.

• How to secure a 67% close rate – nearly double the industry average – so you’re not wasting time talking to cheapskates and low-probability prospects.

Mike Stodola, CMO Of TMT

How To Get Your Website To Finally Start Generating Leads

• Get the TOP strategies MSPs are using to actually get leads from their website that book appointments AND become clients.

• Website checklist to make sure you're not losing leads to your competition because of three mistakes nearly EVERY MSP is making right now.

• How to use your website to attract and engage top prospects, get more referrals and to solidify your position as the authority and expert in your niche.

Will Nobles, CEO Of Vector Choice And Visibility MSP

An Easy Way Any MSP Can Get Started Selling Compliance As-A-Service Solution To Avoid Losing Clients

• The easiest, lowest-hanging fruit compliance services any MSP can sell and deliver without adding massive cost, complexity or staff to your business. You’ll get a clear step-by-step plan that maps out how to do this.

• Urgent cyber and compliance services you must start offering over the next 12 months to your clients or risk losing them to another MSP who can. This is NOT a joke or fear mongering – fail to prepare and your clients will be forced to fire you and hire someone else.

• How to package and price “regular” managed services vs. advanced security and compliance services into different levels to maximize profits and demonstrate value so you don’t get price shopped.

What Other MSPs Are Saying About TMT’s Events!

"After Implementing Robin’s Proven Strategies We Added 40 New Clients!"

I was STUCK for eight straight years. I decided to attend Roadshow, and after implementing Robin’s proven strategies we added 40 new clients and $1,384,486 in revenue!
Direct IT

"We Replaced 'Hope And Pray' Advertising, With Proven, Targeted Marketing!"

As a direct result of attending Roadshow, we replaced “hope and pray” advertising, with proven, targeted marketing that we learned at the seminar and quickly added $24,796.57 in new MMR!
Kelley And Shawnda Sanford
Nerds In A Flash

"Roadshow Was The Starting Point Of Our Transformation!"

Roadshow was the starting point in our transformation from a break-fix shop to an MSP model that added $1,124,000 in a single year!
Roland Parker
Impress Computers

"This Event Is Worth
The Money!"

I attended Roadshow and the number one thing I learned was to get off the fence! This event is worth the money. After Roadshow we made a commitment to keep the
momentum going.
Bryce Servine
Centerpoint IT

"The Entire Conference

I convinced my boss to let me attend Roadshow. The entire conference was AMAZING! We signed 4 new clients using Robin’s No-BS Marketing Campaigns we learned!
Jenn McGroary
ClearCom IT Solutions

"Nixed The 'Easy Button,' Then Added $576,000 In

Attending Roadshow was SO WORTH IT! After that seminar, we went “All In”, nixed the “Easy Button”, then added $576,000 in NEW SALES!
Matt Wellner
Krueger Communications

Now Is The TIME!

Register For FREE Tickets For This 2-Day Event!

And Get The Exact Steps To Install The Ultimate Sales System In Your MSP

IT Services & MSP Marketing Plans
5301 Maryland Way Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-790-5011 | Fax: 615-595-1448 | E-mail: or